Category: Forex Trading

  • Gear Up for Zoom Video ZM Q3 Earnings: Wall Street Estimates for Key Metrics November 20, 2024

    This insight is at the core of our proprietary surprise prediction model — the Zacks Earnings ESP (Expected Surprise Prediction). Analysts predict that the ‘Enterprise Customers’ will reach 196,459. Compared to the current estimate, the company reported 219,700 in the same quarter of the previous year. However, Zoom has rapidly turned into a value stock…

  • Edible Oil Body SEA Urges Govt to Lift Ban on Commodity Futures Trading

    CTAs contributing professional alpari review investment advice must be registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Registration includes a thorough background check to ensure they are fit to be giving financial advice. Investors are attracted to commodity investing for its ability to provide an inflation hedge, diversify a portfolio, and unlock potentially large returns.…

  • Fundamentals of A Margin Call: Variation Margin vs Initial Margin

    Other brokerages can set higher minimums, such as 50%, depending on the level of risk and the investor involved. Variation margin is the difference between the initial margin requirement required to open the trade and the amount required to keep the position open once the market moves. Initial margin is a risk-based calculation, while the…

  • Barrick Gold Corporation GOLD Stock Price, Quote & News

    As a result, the global quantity of gold is steadily increasing. The highest gold reserves are located in the USA (around 8.133 metric tons/287 million ounces). Germany has the second highest stocks of gold (3,417 metric tons /120 million ounces) followed by the International Monetary Fund with 3,217 metric tons /113 million ounces. The price…

  • A Marketers Introduction To Reddit

    No one cares what Joe Smith is up to, but if Joe Smith is a designer on the latest installment of HALO, you can bet he’ll get lots of questions. Hosting an IAMA can be a great way to assess interest in an idea, hear pressing questions from your audience, get direct user feedback, and…

  • LimeFX Broker Review 2024: Pros, Cons and Pricing

    After this you will need to fill out a questionnaire to ensure your suitability for the products and services offered, this is done to protect inexperienced clients. If accepted you can then upload your documents to verify your identification (passport, drivers license, etc) and address (e.g. utility bill no older than 3 months). Once verified…

  • Trzecia dawka Moderny Badania pokazały, jak wpływa na ochronę przed nowymi wariantami WP abcZdrowie

    Na ten moment nie ma konkretnych badań dotyczących skuteczności innych szczepionek przeciw COVID-19 w kontekście wariantu Delta. Jest za to komunikat ze strony producentów rosyjskiej szczepionki Sputnik V. Opublikowali oni tweeta, z którego wynika, że dwudawkowy preparat ma być bardziej skuteczny w zetknięciu z wariantem Delta niż jakakolwiek inna szczepionka przeciw COVID-19. Producenci zapowiadają, że…

  • Zastaw na akcjach Rafako należących do spółki zależnej PBG został wykreślony

    Akcji Rafako, podał, że nie ma i nie miał kontroli nad jej działaniami oraz nie mógł wpływać na kierunek podejmowanych decyzji”. W tle decyzji leży niepowodzenie negocjacji z kluczowymi wierzycielami na temat konwersji długu na akcje czy też alternatywnych scenariuszy restrukturyzacji zadłużenia. Brak porozumienia w tej kwestii zablokował możliwość pozyskania zewnętrznego finansowania, które byłoby kluczowe…

  • Singularity XDR AI Platform

    SentinelOne’s Singularity platform extends the security coverage beyond just endpoints. It covers containers, cloud workloads, and IoT devices, offering a unified platform for diverse enterprise needs. This platform uses behavioral AI, a significant step What is nas 100 in reinventing endpoint security, to provide robust security solutions. SentinelOne Endpoint Security does not use traditional anti-virus…

  • Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving

    Fatalities in crashes involving alcohol-impaired drivers continue to represent almost one-third (31%) of the total motor vehicle fatalities in the United States. NHTSA’s most recent State Alcohol-Impaired-Driving Estimates Traffic Safety Facts (NCSA, 2023c) contains additional national and State statistics pertaining to crashes involving alcohol. To attempt to determine whether a suspect is impaired, police officers…